Do you interested to find 'aberdeen thesis repository'? Here you can find questions and answers on the topic.
Table of contents
- Aberdeen thesis repository in 2021
- Library primo
- Dissertation and thesis search
- University of aberdeen primo
- Aberdeen library online
- University of aberdeen library
- University of aberdeen phd thesis
- Aberdeen university archives
Aberdeen thesis repository in 2021

Library primo

Dissertation and thesis search

University of aberdeen primo

Aberdeen library online

University of aberdeen library

University of aberdeen phd thesis

Aberdeen university archives

Which is included in the research theses collection?
Included in the Research Theses collection are Masters, PHD and Professional Doctorate theses. Masters and PHDs by coursework theses are included in the Honours and Coursework Theses collection. Some schools may choose to include Honours theses which make a significant contribution to knowledge.
How are Honours theses included in the library?
Masters and PHDs by coursework theses are included in the Honours and Coursework Theses collection. Some schools may choose to include Honours theses which make a significant contribution to knowledge. If a school submits undergraduate theses or final year projects to the Digital Library, these will be included with the school's other collections.
Where can I find the Aberdeen University research archive?
The Aberdeen University Research Archive (AURA) provides access to the full text of selected research outputs of the University. Research theses are not included in AURA but are held in our Digital Resources collections.
Is the University of Aberdeen included in aura?
Research theses are not included in AURA but are held in our Digital Resources collections. If you are looking for an article, chapter, conference paper, working paper or other research output of the University and cannot find it in AURA (or have any other query) please contact us.
Last Update: Oct 2021