Do you desperately look for 'essay on medulla'? You can find your answers here.
Table of contents
- Essay on medulla in 2021
- Medulla function
- Medulla oblongata damage
- Medulla oblongata facts
- Medulla oblongata treatment
- Damage to the medulla would most likely result in
- Medulla oblongata location
- Medulla oblongata function
Essay on medulla in 2021

Medulla function
Medulla oblongata damage

Medulla oblongata facts

Medulla oblongata treatment

Damage to the medulla would most likely result in

Medulla oblongata location

Medulla oblongata function

What happens when the medulla oblongata is damaged?
If the medulla oblongata is damaged sometimes the brain and body can recover and no longer need the use of a life support machine, but often the body cannot recover and a person is considered to be brain dead. In this stage, the removal of a life support machine will mean a person’s body will no longer function and that person will die.
What are the functions of the medulla in the brain?
One main function is relaying signals between the brain and the spinal cord. The medulla helps with coordinating very large body movements liking jogging or climbing. The medulla houses portions of the brain that control what is considered automatic homeostatic functions as well as some primitive organs (Campbell and Reece 2008).
How big is the medulla oblongata in centimeters?
The medulla oblongata has many connections to other areas of the brain. The medulla oblongata is the most inferior portion of the brainstem and is about three centimeters long. It slightly bulges out of the brain stem.
Where are nerves located in the medulla oblongata?
A medullar abscess is viewed as a condition of rapidly progressive multiple cranial nerve palsies and decreased level of consciousness (Wait 2009). Multiple system atrophy is a neurological disorder that degenerates nerves cells located in areas of the brain including the medulla oblongata.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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